Saturday, December 10, 2011

New Year's Notions

New Year's Notions (because notion describes them better than resolution

1. Must knit garments. No more accessories or toys or bags or such until I have the two sweaters that are on my needles finished. I need clothes, not scarves or shawlettes for Petey's sake!

2. Conquer the procrastination proclivity

ok...this is just the start...there will be more notions to come but these two are preying on my mind right now and if I don't write them down I won't remember them in five minutes.

Thanks to PlanetJune I've been inspired to try making one snowflake ornament every year using a different technique each time...of course, my first one will be I'm off to find the perfect tatted snowflake pattern.

Exciting news: my LYS has asked if I will teach a tatting class...this will be great fun!!!